Wednesday, Sept. 14th is a 1:30 pm dismissal day.
There is no Preschool.
Clinton Haunted House is seeking volunteers from Clinton High School to help on Thursday work nights from 6pm until 8pm. Students will receive Community Service Hours for volunteering. Questions? Call the Clinton Chamber of Commerce at 217-935-3364. *Leave a message.*
XC Light it Up! Invite at Clinton High Schoo. Saturday 8/27/22 Race stars at 7pm.
Day 3 of Clinton Maroons Band Camp
At the end of every Rainbow is a Pot of Gold :)
The DeWitt County Mental Health Board and many partners invite everyone aged 18 and over to take the DeWitt County Mental Health, Substance Use, and Intellectual/Developmental Disability Community Survey. Through the survey, you can share your experience and suggestions to help plan and enhance services/programs for DeWitt County residents. The survey is voluntary, doesn't ask for your name, and should take about 15 minutes.
To take the survey scan the QR code in the English or Spanish version of the attached posters.
OR, for the English version, go to
For the Spanish version, go to
OR, for a paper copy of the survey go to: Vespasian Warner Library in Clinton, Farmer City Library, Waynesville Library, or Weldon Library.
Thank you for participating!
Today, Tuesday May 31st is the last of school. Reminder, Dismissal time is 2:20 pm
Check out our very own Officer Bennett. His impact on the Students and Staff is beyond measure.
Reminder that today is our last 1:30 dismissal day.
Don't forget Friday March 18th is 2:20 pm dismissal and March 21st through 25th is Spring Break.
Due to the unsafe road conditions will will be having a Snow Day, Friday, February 18th. Stay Safe.
Due to the unsafe weather conditions there will be No School, February 17th. Stay Safe.
Reminder... This Wednesday, February 16th is a 1:30pm dismissal.
There will be No Preschool Classes.
Due to the unsafe road conditions we will be having another Snow Day Friday, February 4th. Stay Safe.
We will be having a Snow Day,Thursday, Feb 3rd. Stay Home and Stay Safe.
No School, Wednesday Feb 2nd, due to the Weather.
Reminder... This Wednesday, January 26th is a 1:30pm dismissal.
Reminder...Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 12th is a 1:30pm dismissal day.
Friday, December 17th will the be the last day of school before Winter Break!
Students will return to school on Tuesday, January 4th.
We wish you well and hope you have a wonderful holiday.
Lunch changes for Wednesday Dec 15th... The Holiday meal will be canceled tomorrow Dec 15th. We will have a Welcome Back meal in January when all students will be able to enjoy.
Lincoln and Douglas will have Pizza Rolls, Green Beans, Cookies, and fruit of the day. CES will have Sloppy Joe, Green beans, Cookies, and fruit of the day.